The Unfolding
A.M. Homes on Following the Money in Her Fiction
In Conversation with Alex Higley and Lindsay Hunter
Welcome to I’m a Writer But, where two writers-and talk to other writers-and about their work, their lives, their other work, the stuff that takes up any free time they have, all the stuff they’re not able to get to, and the ways in which any of us get anything done. Plus: book recommendations, bad jokes, okay jokes, despair, joy, and anything else we’ve got going on that week. Hosted by Lindsay Hunter and Alex Higley.
Today, A. M. Homes joins us to talk about her new book, The Unfolding; the current trash fire that is our democracy; releasing a timely book in such an intense time; writing and revising such a conversational novel, and more!
From the episode:
A. M. Homes: I really am interested in what I would describe as the economics of fiction and the ways in which a person’s socioeconomic life and history enable, complicate, change their experience of the world. I am often writing about the American Dream as fantasy, as dream, as thing gone awry in some ways, and I think that economics are and were a big piece of that.
A. M. Homes is the author of 13 books, among them the bestselling memoir The Mistress’s Daughter; the novels This Book Will Save Your Life, The End of Alice, and Jack; and the short story collections Days of Awe, The Safety of Objects, and Things You Should Know. She also writes for film and television and teaches in the Creative Writing Program at Princeton University.